"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died & your life is now hidden with Christ in God."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

mold me and make me

I find the Creation story very interesting. It's one of those stories that I tend to gloss over because I've heard it since I was knee high to a squirrel. But what a great story, what an amazing TRUE story! Just think, God is completely satisfied in Himself- He needs nothing else. But for whatever reason, He decides to get creative (literally). God calls for light out of the dark nothingness, and it happens. Then He adds incomprehendable detail in everything He does... from the heights of the heavens to the depths of the sea. He creates big, small, and in between- plants and animals- all set in a breathtaking backdrop of the grandeur of space . It's all good because He says so. Then God made man in His own image- the crown of His creation- and breathed into him the breath of LIFE! Man was special, man was different. Genesis 2:7 says "the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." That Hebrew verb translated "formed" is yastar which means "to mold as the potter molds the clay." Job said "Your hands fashioned and made me...you have made me like clay..." (10:8, 9). I just think that's such a cool picture- the Potter and the clay. That analogy is carried on throughout Scripture and the lives of believers. In reference to the Israelites, Jeremiah 18-19 speak directly of God as the Potter who has the right over the clay to do or not to do what He wants with. Rom. 9:20-23 talks about God's sovereignty in choosing how He'll use His clay, one lump from another. What right does the clay have to rebuke the Potter's craftsmanship? None. So then the obvious application is a quiet confidence in His handiwork. It only makes sense to leave the molding to the Maker. He knows what He's doing. Why is it so scary? Why do I doubt His perfect plans for me? Does a picture question the Photogrpher? Does the masterpiece question the Artist? So how dare I stand in question of my Creator who has faithfully sustained me and molded me according to His purposes. The only logical option is rest at ease and know He's working on me and making me to look more like Himself. He's molding a vessel for His use, and whether its use is common or special- His choice is sovereign and His plan is perfect. I just want to be a vessel that He's able to use for His glory. If I have to be broken and remolded along the way- I'm willing.
I love the song "Change My Heart, Oh God." The lyrics go: "Change my heart, oh God. Make it ever true. Change my heart, oh God- make me more like you. You are the Potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me- THIS IS WHAT I PRAY."

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